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I Love My Finger - Now

I apologize to my finger – specifically my flexor digitorum profundus. For decades, I ignored it and took it for granted. In fact, I didn’t even know its name until a few years ago. I certainly didn’t realize how important it is, and for that, I am sorry.

In case, like me, you skipped anatomy class, the FDP is the tendon that runs along your finger. It ends at that last little joint there – the one you never really notice until it won’t bend anymore. It connects your muscles to the bones so you can move. I’ve not seen this tendon, but there can’t be much to it. In the diagrams, it looks about the size of spaghetti, and there is just a small bit of it attached to the tiny bone at the end of a finger. However, I can attest that, if this tendon becomes detached, your finger won’t bend, and movements that previously seemed simple and routine suddenly become difficult.

I’m not telling you all this to elicit sympathy. I’m telling you all this because my injury was an excellent reminder of an analogy the Bible uses to describe how we should feel about each other. To people who were being typically selfish and self-centered, Paul compared the church to a human body. Not every part of the body is as noticeable or as appreciated as say, a heart. Some parts are like a flexor digitorum profundus. But every part is valuable and has an important role to play. As a body, the church should remember that “its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:25-26). And each part should do its part.

Every Christian whom God has added to his church is equally important. The sweet, elderly ladies who aren’t as active as they once were, have no less significance now than when in their prime. The impetuous, knuckle-headed teen who seems to produce nothing but trouble is just as important to the body as anyone else. Each serves some valuable function. I should love and appreciate each one as much as – as much as I now love and appreciate my finger.

As we’re being thankful this month, let’s be thankful for every part. I apologize to my finger – and to my brothers and sisters for ever taking them for granted.


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